用slim ps3 bitstream dd true hd 同埋dts hd mstr 去隻 onkyo 609 度發覺聲音快過畫面大約1/4秒, 如用dd 同 dts 下又無事想問下:
1. 係ps3 定係 amp問題?
2. 隻609有冇auto delay功能?
3. 關唔關條hdmi線事?
新手上路, thanks!
Please help... 我嗰部老爺機有口珍同步功能,609我就唔知啦!!! I used Onkyo 805 before and now used 3007.Both have the audio delay setting (in terms of ms) for each source input.So I believe 609 also has this setting.If you have DVE HD Basics calibration disc, it has a calibration pattern which can help you to set the audio delay quite precisely. Confirmed from the 609 manual, it has audio delay setting (Source Setup -> A/V Sync).
You can download the manual here:
Thanks!Finally set the a/v sync to 160msec and the problem is now temporary fixed.
Besides, there is a setting call lip sync with default setting "on". But as stated in the manual, it has to be worked with lip sync compatible tv. Is there any auto sync setting that no need to configure the a/v sync everytime watching BDs?
Thanks! Once you set the a/v sync for a specific source input (e.g. HDMI-1 for your BD player), you don't need to adjust it every time when you play the BD.The delay is mainly caused by video processing in the TV and the Onkyo - it does not vary from BD to BD (even for sources with different resolution, e.g. 1080i50 vs 1080p24 sources, the difference is so small that it can be ignore). Once you set the a/v sync for a specific source input (e.g. HDMI-1 for your BD player), you don't ne ...
dominickwok 發表於 2011-7-19 09:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Yes, I figure out the delay is about the same for all BDs.
However, just forget to state that I use PS3 to play games too. It is about 50% gaming and 50% BDs. Therefore, I need to switch between 0msec for gaming and 160msec for BDs very often.
BTW, I have searched through the manual and believed Onkyo does not provide similar auto audio sync function from Pioneer / Yamaha.
P.S. I think the problem should belong to PS3 because there is short delay as well on LPCM mode. Pioneer / Yamaha amp 有 ka mei? 係邊 part 有得 set ar ching? 本帖最後由 黑冰 於 2011-7-19 12:55 編輯
如果部 AMP 唔 support 3D
player(3D)---hdmi1.4--AMP(not 3D)----hdmi1.4----TV(3D) 出到3D嗎?
player(3D)---HDMI 1.4 (畫)---TV(3D)
player(2D)---HDMI 1.4/1.3b (畫)---TV(2D)
係米多數會聲畫唔同步 ga?
1&2 呢個情況播2D同3D ,同埋線材用咩 version 有冇關係呢?