KING 發表於 2011-7-13 21:23

本帖最後由 KING 於 2011-7-13 22:57 編輯


HD308 發表於 2011-7-13 22:03

Thanks for all comments. I still have a lots to learn. I will try whatever C Hing to say but I can only do that whenever I turn the item on because of my kids. All my items cannot be said good at all. What I believe is, how to make all I have to turn to the highest quality will be more valuable to change any item at this moment. I hope I can enjoyed in watching movie or listening music in near future. Welcome all comments and hope everyone can share their experiences at this website.

HD308 發表於 2011-7-14 10:26

Sorry for typing error and may lead anyone to feel strange in word's meaning
Thanks for all comments. I still have a lots to learn. I will try whatever C Hing to say but I can only do that whenever I turn the item on because of my kids. All my items cannot be said good at all. What I believe is, how to make all I have to turn to its highest quality will be more valuable than changing any item at this moment. I hope I can enjoyed in watching movie or listening music in near future. Welcome all comments and hope everyone can share their experiences at this website.

amusic 發表於 2011-7-15 10:32

Ching , AV 又靚,HiFi又Naim, 空間又大,真係好。空間環境最難升呢,樓主地方空間不錯。

- 發送自我的 i ...
rtwk 發表於 2011-7-13 17:57

    AV 又靚,HiFi又Naim{:1_262:}

toro88 發表於 2011-7-15 14:35

好齊整, 不過sub仔入櫃會唔會有回震~

HD308 發表於 2011-8-19 13:43


jkfspecial 發表於 2011-8-19 14:56

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