Marantz CD player
本帖最後由 lawfai 於 2011-7-10 16:01 編輯1.Marantz SA-11S2
2. Marantz SA KI Pearl Lite
Consider to buy SA KI Pearl Lite with dac in and usb support or 2nd hand Marantz SA-11S2 since no new stock. Any ching can comment on the sound of both cdp.
Amp: Accuphase E-460
Speaker: B&W 804D 師兄用緊咩amp同speaker呢??? 兩部完全都唔同層次! E-460 +804D重玩USB野,好似有啲對唔住啲機喎!!!{:6_131:} 用得E460 , SA-11S2 或再高級D啦(金仔DP-510)
訊源唔好慳囉{:6_182:} 回復 1# lawfai
E-460推到5成804D功力嗎? {:6_128:} 回復 6# chiuching
好毒呀ching 回復chiuching
jeremymak 發表於 2011-7-11 08:12
玩到B&W804D呢層次... 真係無理由仲用金仔合併... 玩金仔起馬都用金仔前後級啦. E460夠唔夠推? 唔講int amp夠唔夠力推 , 如配cdp點解唔考慮埋金仔 ?!