回覆: 到我買CD機啦
我一早都話8200正啦!發送自我的 X10i 大板凳 星期四晚又去左MK試野,在第一場(好以係呀二)AB比較左cary CD-500 同Yahama CDs2000,
本來Yahama CDS1000 ...
Lester 發表於 2011-8-6 10:59 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
師兄部cary CD-500 幾銀呢??? 回復 72# avlam
回復 71# copyshop
ching 好介紹! {:6_193:}
呢幾日我睇左好多外國forum post, 個designer John Westlake自己講話 8200CDQ 單計CD PLAYER+DAC個part, 係正過8200CD架WOR ~! 回復 73# Lester
咁CHING你幾時有開箱報告??{:6_190:} 比我唸多一陣....
8200CDQ 香港要14K,UK GDP930 only仲有20﹪VAT... 回復 75# Lester
Have ching try marantz already?{:1_343:} {:1_343:} 回復 76# babuwa
Tried marantz 15, don't like it. 覺得吾夠淨 回復babuwa
Tried marantz 15, don't like it. 覺得吾夠淨
Lester 發表於 2011-8-8 15:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
OIC.....{:6_210:} {:6_210:} , but SA-15S2 feature two digital filter which will affect the performacne of SA-15S2 very much since the sound character of this two filter were totally different.{:6_229:} {:6_229:} 回復 78# babuwa
下? {:6_168:} 有架咩?
如果你唔係睇得digital input咁重要,我實會叫你買CEC出品既CD機- 發送自我的 iPod touch 大板凳應用