本帖最後由 NETDSL0100 於 2011-7-7 23:57 編輯A就對正個皇帝位,B有個牆角可以BACKFIRE?!因為要訂造個櫃既關係如果放係A位造櫃既時候要特別講明 2簡1會系A,要山門 2簡1會系A,要山門
4pk 發表於 2011-7-7 23:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
D房門好薄山門都唔知有無用{:6_184:} 回復 3# NETDSL0100
有用,聲音靠空氣走向,唔山門,底音散哂,ching可以自已試下,又或者開下抽氣,D聲會唔同架,幾好玩架{:6_138:} A postion la ! {:6_142:} A{:6_210:} MK1250對正打心口會勁D?E加我放係梳化隔離無咩料到感受唔到D低頻 A{:6_190:} MK1250對正打心口會勁D?E加我放係梳化隔離無咩料到感受唔到D低頻
NETDSL0100 發表於 2011-7-8 06:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Playing with subwoofer is the same as playing with your room - room acoustics contributes 60-70% of your subwoofer performance.You place MK1250 just beside your sofa and fee that performance no good?It may be simply that position is causing a significant cancellation of low frequencies, or due to incorrect phase setting, etc.
For those 2 positions (A or B), can you move your subwoofer there and test it first before you decide? A! B 雖然 backfire, 但係望落好似去唔到皇帝位.... 要轉個灣咁