BDP+DAC for music
Setting 1: BDP--->(hdmi) -----> AV amp ---->(RCA)----> AV bypass----> int. amp-----> speakerSetting 2: BDP---> (optical)---> EXT. DAC---> (RCA)--->int. amp---> speaker
Suppose the quality of dac of av amp and ext. amp is the same.Any differnce will make on the above setting? 咩野BDP ?
咩野AV amp ? Setting 1 點解要過avamp先到int amp?
直接bdp rca 去int amp 少干擾好多 Setting 1: Is it using AV amp dac and decode in av amp?
Setting 2: Is it using ext dac and decode in int. amp?
If quality of dac is the same, setting 2 is better since decode in int. amp. Is it correct? 回復 4# lawfai
Setting 1 用av amp解碼
Setting 2 用dac解碼 經rca輸出類比訊號到int amp,int amp不會再decode,
正常黎講Setting 2會好d,除非你用幾萬蚊以上旗艦av amp同2-3千蚊dac比,
就算dac chip相同,都會有其他因素影響 can I use int amp to decode?
In setting 2 should use the pre amp section of int. amp it correct. 回復 6# lawfai
經過dac解碼,已可入amp出喇叭發聲,唔再需要decode,唔同av amp,
另外如果你部int amp直駁喇叭,唔會剩用pre amp section 本帖最後由 里奧 於 2011-7-11 16:25 編輯
只睇樓主二個設定 , 如果 setting 2 改用COAX線去DAC會好d . (唔好用光纖)
而Setting 1 係用HDMI去AV AMP解碼 .... 點都唔會好過setting 2 . Hi Leo hing
Is it you connect your dac to LX-52 or BT300? Any improvement? I am wonder buy a dac or cdp. I try connect my bdp to int. amp by RCA but the sound is very bad. It seems the dac of my av amp is better.
I connect 本帖最後由 里奧 於 2011-7-12 14:29 編輯
現在用緊 : BDP(BT300) -->同軸線--> MF DAC --> 平衡線-->INT AMP
本身我係想買CDP , 不過在未夠彈藥之前入部DAC 做過渡 . 如果CHING對聽歌有要求 , 當然買部CDP --> INT AMP 啦 , 再有心分黎玩就CDT--DAC--INT AMP或前後級 . 不過亦有CHING講多隻香爐多隻鬼 ... CDP一件過無咁煩 , CDT+DAC就變化大D , 睇自己需求 .