回复: Pioneer amp + Focal speaker 用家 夾聲問題
Ching,我自己之前都用706v+馬仔4001,音樂感好好,不過低音就唔得,跟手換左807v,bass有番d,不過一舊舊,再加後級,即時好番好多,但bass都係唔得實,好虛,早兩個禮拜換左部二手on仔876,嘩,依家d bass行full band唔開十仔都有7~8成功力,ching想換一定807,唔好諗806,不過focal依家cp低,仲有要大力amp先推得好,要諗清楚发送自我的 ZTE-BLADE 大板凳 I'm using 806V and Onix RA120 int amp.When the 806V arrived, I also feel the bass not enough.But after run in, it is good enough.But I think Focal is suitable for matching with warm sound amp, not suitable for fast and not musical amp.
Pioneer amp + Focal speaker 用家 夾聲問題
岩岩去左試聽 806v 同 12L2不過 budget 所限,應該可以買 706v
據 sales 哥哥講 806v 同706v 既單元係一樣既,分別只係個音箱用料唔同,但價錢就相差 2800。真唔真呀?
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 13# fatkie
Yes. It is right. The specification is same but different on the box 回復fatkie
Yes. It is right. The specification is same but different on the box
randyma 發表於 2011-7-9 18:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
淨係個箱唔同都差成 $2,800... 佢 D 木都好貴下喎! Use XLO speaker cable,Bass is good 本帖最後由 ropresident 於 2012-8-7 19:33 編輯
jmlab喇叭要搵到夾既線材先發揮到應有表現, 而且amp都唔應該太薄聲.
樓主用pioneer+jmlab理應有好好閎分析力, 但係薄聲問題只會薄上加薄.
小弟建議師兄既然喜歡jmlab既聲音, 不妨去馬.
只係電源線同喇叭線夾返好d聲, 低頻一樣可以有好好既質數.
小弟以前用過7系同8系既中置, 的而且確質數上有明顯差距, budget容許之下最好用返8系, 起碼唔洗心思思又換喇叭, 慳返一次升級既金錢. 回復 13# fatkie
師兄邊渡有12L2試? 其實AVLAM長老都講咗有機會係線材配搭問題, 既然硬件已齊, 點解唔去線材著手改善呢? 起碼成本低D...
garyleunghk2222 發表於 2011-7-9 10:15 http://www.post76.me/discuss/images/common/back.gif
線材先至係無邊毒海,換换下分分鐘係套榢生嘅幾倍價錢,加上換左老闆又唔覺,更易使人泥足深泥陷{:6_243:} Any good cable to recommend to make the bass thicker? around 1500HKD
回復 19# cello13814