yoes 發表於 2011-7-7 13:43

紅軍擴軍第2步 - 查理亞當

轉載自紅軍管網, 已經做緊體測, 如無問題應可成事{:6_134:}
7.5M + 1.5M(視乎表現), 可能真係賣走梅利斯..........

The Anfield club said Adam, 25, will now travel to Merseyside for a medical and to discuss personal terms.
In the January transfer window the Reds had two bids - the second worth £6.5m - rejected by the Seasiders, who were reportedly holding out for £9m.
But Liverpool reopened talks at the end of the season for a player who had only 12 months left on his contract.
Adam, who was on the shortlist for the PFA Player of the Year award last season, joined Blackpool from Scottish Premier League club Rangers for £500,000 in 2009.
If he joins Liverpool, he will become manager Kenny Dalglish's second signing since they finished sixth in the Premier League last season.

Source: BBC

bbb 發表於 2011-7-7 14:37

good news{:6_125:}

kop138 發表於 2011-7-7 18:46

Good news! 陸續年青化!!!{:6_173:}

beebee912 發表於 2011-7-7 20:14

回覆: 紅軍擴軍第2步 - 查理亞當


Fabregas 發表於 2011-7-7 21:30

7.5M + 1.5M(視乎表現)買到查理亞當的確好抵,恨死隔離!

henry3721 發表於 2011-7-8 01:09

road to champion ! YNWA

yoes 發表於 2011-7-8 13:18

回復 4# beebee912

無可避免謝老4年紀漸大, 查理仔同軒達臣可以幫輕呀, 等神奇隊長可以踼多幾年
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