我都想入十仔8q好吾好?第一次玩十仔想平平地買二手玩下- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復Hiromichi
I prefer ultra rather than Sunfire. I just change from Sunfire to Ultra.
randyma 發表於 2011-7-7 15:01
How about 800i & Sunfire HRS le? Ultra is a bit expensive to me... {:6_201:}but some said Sunfire is a bit too "lup" over Velodyne. 回復 12# wally
It is correct. Velodyn ultra win Sunfire HR 回復 13# randyma
how about the 800i le? 回復 14# wally
It is better than HR 8 回復 15# randyma
thanks! so, should go for Velodyne rather than Sunfire... 賣唔出8Q冇得換!!想換Spl-Ultra or sunfire
Hiromichi 發表於 2011-7-7 14:49
@@ 8Q冇可能賣吾出.......
我都係等2手8q等左差吾多3個月先give up 買800i......... =.=
spl ultra 好正.... x_x 但ultra同 i 個價差吾多1個doub X_X 回復 16# wally
Velodyne is more punch than Sunfire. 回復 17# blindfaith3by8
how about the quality? how much difference? is it worth to spend double cost? @@ 8Q冇可能賣吾出.......
我都係等2手8q等左差吾多3個月先give up 買800i......... =.=
係咪你set ...
blindfaith3by8 發表於 2011-7-7 16:15
Ching 隻 800i幾錢入手?我都等緊合理價既二手,可惜無~ 睇黎都要買新,唔知邊度平 d?