jwnobel 發表於 2011-7-8 23:49

so 12" and 15" are both out? OMG...

jwnobel 發表於 2011-7-8 23:49

I hope my friend managed to get one....

wally 發表於 2011-7-9 00:38

15" still have one on the floor, by 8pm Friday.

Yeap, 12" all out, besides that 15", there's another 18" and 2 double 8", I tried the double 8" and that 15", I was really hesitated.... the guy said the double 8" should be more than sufficient for home use la, it can be very loud and it will shake their ceiling... "Yeah..." I said, "Turn on the volume can surely be very loud, I need the quality of the sound, not just loud".

Anyway, may be as you all said, they don't know how to sell this thing and when testing, I don't feel the bass at all, even a few explosion scenes... So, at the end, didn't take any.

jwnobel 發表於 2011-7-9 00:52

Yep...it's really a turnoff for what these guys said...but it's really a hell of an experience using this 15" woofer....don't miss the chance to get this last exdisplayed unit....

wally 發表於 2011-7-9 01:01

no la, its just too big, 17.5" wide with 2x" depth............ I don't want my sub stick out of the corridor like the other CHing, my kid will surely kick them off if my wife didn't kick me out first. The size of the double 8" is really nice, I was really hoping that "wow" me, but, based on that listening experience.... hmm...

jwnobel 發表於 2011-7-9 01:08

I agree...the double 8" is just a so so sub

joelkw 發表於 2011-7-9 01:20

15" still have one on the floor, by 8pm Friday.

Yeap, 12" all out, besides that 15", there's anothe ...
wally 發表於 2011-7-9 00:38 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

佢係咪又拎隻007黎試, 跟住開到大聲到傻, 但係一bass都出唔倒? 正一倒米壽星, 琴日教精左佢, 跟住又係回復原狀....無得救~~

jwnobel 發表於 2011-7-9 01:28

can't change people....

pl876 發表於 2011-7-9 01:56

Today when I went there at around 4pm, just only on display 15" left, buy I think it's gone now{:1_260:} the reason I didn't buy is the size too big{:1_348:}

jwnobel 發表於 2011-7-9 11:32

今日準備抬多兩隻十仔返公司大試特試(Polk Audio DSW MicroPro 4000 and Paradigm Ultracube 12),稍後再出報告!
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查看完整版本: Cerwin Vega XLS15S Subwoofer

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