tiggerjason 發表於 2011-7-6 16:01

<求救> 如何可以將飛利浦DVD機轉成全區碼

小弟一次手痕, 誤按"回復原廠設定".
給果, 部DVD機由全區碼變成單區碼!!!{:6_159:}
請各位師兄幫忙 (除左攞番飛利浦維修部!!)

Inno90 發表於 2011-7-6 16:17


kenjilai916 發表於 2011-7-6 20:00

DVP3005 / DVP5100

1. Press system menu on remote control
2. Go to preference settings
3. Press 1,3,5,5,6,6
4. Use Up and Down keys to select 0 and press OK
5. Press system menu on remote to exit


1. Press system menu on remote control
2. Go to preference settings
3. Press 1,3,5,5,6,6
4. Press 0
5. Press system menu on remote to exit


1. Open tray on DVD player
2. Press 7,8,9 on remote control
3. Press OK
4. Press 0
5. Press play on remote control to finish

DVD625 / DVD728 / DVP720SA / DVP762SA / LX3900SA / LX8300SA

1. Open tray on DVD player
2. Press 9,9,9,9 on remote control
3. Press 0

tiggerjason 發表於 2011-7-7 11:12

萬分感謝kenjilai916 兄, 小弟今晚試一試!{:6_208:}

tiggerjason 發表於 2011-7-11 10:28

kenjilai916 兄, 請問DVDR33659之破解碼是什麼呀??

tiggerjason 發表於 2011-7-11 16:37

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