問 : 哪裡有Dune smart H1賣?
幾錢? 第二選擇為Himedia 600B 回復 1# henry3721買DUNE啦.冇買錯.
我依家用DUNE D1 .
問 : 哪裡有Dune smart H1賣?
SSP 有得賣$1800
- 發送自我的 iPhone 4 dune is the best! I have used Himedia 800B and sold it within a week. It's a piece of crab and in no way it could compare with Dune no matter software of manufacturing of the product. Himedia 800B and sold it within a week. It's a piece of crab - 絕對正確 all guys support Dune , right ? 回復 6# henry3721
i'm using D-1 ~~ good!{:6_142:} 如果無dune h1/d1, 次選點解係himedia 600b?都唔同級。 Ssp高x, 賣遊戲機尾舖,電梯對落11點,下面角落大大舖,都係代理。不過h1成日無,見人多數買d1. 回復 9# Coker
我米個間買囉!依家換咗電源線同HI-FI TUNING(13A)FUSE.