發表於 2011-7-13 16:56
我知點解先前做special promotion啦, 因為Platinum discontinue 要清貨, 而家website 只得返4個model, Vulkano Flow, Lava, Blast 同 Deluxe Pro, 頭3個係新model, 最尾果個係上一個Model. 新款只有 Flow 係自己即刻買, 其他都係pre-order. 不過我唔知新model 同舊Model 有乜分局
發表於 2011-7-13 23:12
無左.....死啦, 如果要買又要STUDY過......{:6_186:}
發表於 2011-7-14 00:39
無左.....死啦, 如果要買又要STUDY過......
contach 發表於 2011-7-13 23:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
驟眼睇,VULKANO LAVA 同 platium 分別係 VULKANO LAVA 有 4GB on board , 因已無咗舊 link ,所以記得咁多咋,但貴咗US80,只多咗4GB Ram。
發表於 2011-7-14 01:56
Vulkano 剛剛見到有新FIRMWARE UPDATE , 唔鬼理UP左先, 不過唔知UP左D乜!
發表於 2011-7-14 07:39
回復 123# digcom
check page 1 and you can see the link
發表於 2011-7-14 14:08
本帖最後由 explorerhk 於 2011-7-14 16:30 編輯
FYI 我尋日send mail 問 Vulkano support 關於新 Model 問題, 以下是佢的回覆.
1. Vulkano Flow is the Base Model which does not have any option to attach a Storage device and does not have a TV Client as Compared to all the other Vulkano Models. Flow does not support schedule recording. Mobile Clients for Flow, LAVA and Blast costs $12.99 as compared to Free Mobile Clients for Platinum, Deluxe and Pro. Lava comes with a Storage of 4 GB, Deluxe with 8/16 GB , Blast with 160 (Internal HDD) and Pro with 500 GB external eSATA HDD.
2. Lava and Blast will be available within a week or two.
3. There was an upgrade program early last year for existing HAVA users, that is no longer valid.
4. Vulkano Platinum , Deluxe and Pro has free Mobile Players as compared to Paid Mobile Players for Flow , LAVA and Blast. Players for Flow, Lava and Blast costs $12.99 each client.
5. Yes, Vulkano can also handle the Audio from two Video Inputs, same as HAVA.
6. You have to turn off One device to get uninterrupted Audio from the Video Feed which is playing.
重點係而家新model 要俾錢買 Mobile client, 其他野無乜分別....
發表於 2011-7-14 17:58
FYI 我尋日send mail 問 Vulkano support 關於新 Model 問題, 以下是佢的回覆.
1. Vulkano Flow is...
explorerhk 發表於 2011-7-14 14:08 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
發表於 2011-7-14 18:02
well, i think i won't consider this one if they need to pay for mobile client{:6_140:}
發表於 2011-7-14 18:21
FYI 我尋日send mail 問 Vulkano support 關於新 Model 問題, 以下是佢的回覆.
1. Vulkano Flow is...
explorerhk 發表於 2011-7-14 14:08 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
mobile software要比錢就唔夠吸引啦.仲要連本機都加埋價添.
發表於 2011-7-15 00:28
你估可唔可用返舊client呢? 叫d 師兄share出黎.