Amazon US i-parcel 準唔準時嫁?
我岩岩係Amazon US 訂左The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy岩岩出貨, 佢用i-parcel, 話Delivery Estimate 係7月15日
其實今次連埋運費$640有找, 平過港版/美版(鋪頭水貨) $250左右...{:1_332:}
仲有digital copy, 到時可以download係電腦/iphone上面睇...{:1_245:}
希望今次決定無錯吧!{:1_332:} 運輸呢樣野真係講唔埋, 佢寫得個estimate delivery date你就信住先.....
touch woody講句, 遲成個月佢都可以作個理由俾你, 唔心急既話就慢慢等下會好d. 我岩岩係Amazon US 訂左The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy
岩岩出貨, 佢用i-parcel, 話D ...
魔法師 發表於 2011-6-29 15:49
一般大概約莫3 Weeks左右...{:6_142:} I sometimes order special boxsets (not available in HK) from Amazon too.
Usually it arrives earlier than the estimated arrival date.