zori 發表於 2011-6-28 15:50

Need Advice on positioning the Surround REAR Speakers

本帖最後由 zori 於 2011-6-28 15:52 編輯

Before I was using KEF 5005.2 as my 5.1 AV System. I have the speaker stands so the surround speakers were placing at ear level closer to the back.

Recently I bought a new pair of small FRONT speakers and CENTER speaker, and now I can move my front speaker to the back and have a 7.1 system (wanna save some money and reuse all the speakers). Since I have only pre-wired for surround speakers only, I am using the wireless module for the surround REAR speakers.

Right now I just placed the surround REAR speakers on the sofa (at ear level). My question is:
- Should I hang them higher on the wall?
- Should I hang them horizontally or vertically (as in the photo)?
- Should I place them closer together as suggested in THX or a bit further apart on ONKYO manual?

All recommendations are welcome. Thank you very much

chanwt 發表於 2011-6-28 17:37

Hi, I am not using 7.1 but I would think the surround back shouldn't be so close to your ears. It should be behind your ears few feets away at least (but not too easy for typicalHK family) or little higher/ above the listener ears.

If your Amp support front high, I would suggest you try front high.

coolpan 發表於 2011-6-28 17:51


zori 發表於 2011-6-29 02:01

Thanks chanwt and coolpan for replying.

KEF 5005.2 is a nice entry level AV System. Good for movie, games, and TV. But for concert and music, the sound of depth is very limited and a bit flat. That's why I go for new front speakers.

The new front and center speakers has way better high tone and sound field than my 5005.2 so using it as FRONT HIGH may only ruin the current config. That's why I am thinking of using it as REAR Surround speakers.

I have planned to hang them on the wall. Just need to figure out how high and what is the orientation of the speakers.

zori 發表於 2011-7-4 10:40

The renovators are coming in this afternoon and I have to decide how to hang the surround rear speakers.

I am planning to hang it around the ear level just like the rest of the speakers.
Does anyone suggest to hang it horizontally (like the original 5005.2 center speakers) or hang it vertically (like the other 2 surround speakers on its stands)?

dominickwok 發表於 2011-7-5 18:17

Your sofa is just leaning against the rear wall.In such case, you shouldn't play with a 7.1 surround rear setup (esp. if you're hanging the surround rear at your ear height - which should be at least 2-3 feet above your ear height).I bet you will hear a more natural surround sound field if you play with a standard 5.1 setup.Or try a 7.1 front height setup if you get a pair of surplus speakers; and see if you like the front height effect.If you don't like it, then don't use it.Just happen you have a pair of surplus speakers doesn't mean you can use it to "improve" your sound field.

zori 發表於 2011-7-6 00:22

My FRONT speakers can produce far better high tone and bass than my KEF 5005 can, so using them as front high may not be a good idea.

Actually, 7.1 is not improving the sound field. Most of the sound in 7.1 or 5.1 are from the FRONT and CENTER speakers, the surround and surround rear speakers are just supporting the sound surrounding feel and give more sound directions.

Though many movies and concerts have TRUE HD 7.1but 90% of the time, they sound exactly like 5.1 just more background sound (non-directionally) surrounding the sweet spot.

Only a couple particular scenes like TRON Legacy (stadium Bike scene) 7.1 gives much more precise in sound direction where the bike comes and go from back to front and sideways compare to 5.1.

Anyway, if the movie is in 5.1 only, the amp will turn off surround rear.
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