好難選!!(Sigma vs Canon vs Tamron)
我為哩三支鏡諗到頭都爆:Canon EF 17-40mm f/4.0L USM
Sigma 17-50mm F2.8 EX DC OS HSM
Tamron SP 17-50mm F/2.8 XR Di II VC
thank you!! well, don't think its a difficult question at all, no doubt I'll go for Canon, if you have to choice one out of these 3. 回復 1# 747-300
Canon EF 17-40mm f/4.0L USM 現在將來一樣可愛! {:6_193:} 你用咩機身??? 如果係新果D, ISO CONTROL 得好, 我最多推高ISO就, L鏡係必選架勒~~~ well, don't think its a difficult question at all, no doubt I'll go for Canon, if you have to choice ...
wally 發表於 2011-6-27 22:11 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
thanks! wally兄, 我諗多數會入C記既! 哈哈~ 回復747-300
Canon EF 17-40mm f/4.0L USM 現在將來一樣可愛!
michaelwong 發表於 2011-6-28 02:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我俾佢個紅圈吸引咗呀!!!{:6_126:} 你用咩機身??? 如果係新果D, ISO CONTROL 得好, 我最多推高ISO就, L鏡係必選架勒~~~ ...
小瑟 發表於 2011-6-28 10:07 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
E+未有呀! 不過會係60D! 支L鏡冇防震喎~ 如果推到35mm-40mm,會唔會有鬆郁蒙呀? thanks!! 先3~40mm, 唔駛好多快門, 幾十分之一秒都夠啦.
再唔係推高少少iso啦... 我俾佢個紅圈吸引咗呀!!!
747-300 發表於 2011-6-28 20:29 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
不過17~40有一個問題,就係之後唔知駁支嘜鏡好,有少少兩頭唔到岸{:6_182:} 不過17~40有一個問題,就係之後唔知駁支嘜鏡好,有少少兩頭唔到岸
rlwk2009 發表於 2011-6-28 21:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
In a way, agree with this. And actually depends on what does he want to take picture with by this lens, but personally, I won't choice a lens started with 17mm, unless your camera is full frame.