求教--Sub仔不懂從sleep mode中起動
本帖最後由 bb1668 於 2011-6-27 20:49 編輯各位師兄,
小弟發覺隻sub 仔(JBL PSW-1000) 不懂從sleep mode 中被喚醒,起初以為AV amp (Pioneer LX82) 的設定(如 crossover) 有問題,最後發現只要重新拔出後再次插入sub 仔的RCA 訊號線才能重新起動sub 仔。但次次開機後要手動都十分煩。我估計是sub 仔年氏已高,內部硬件(如電容)已老化才會岀現這情況。希望高人指點有否遇到過此情況 CHING 我發覺要從SLEEP MODE起動,係要到某一個量既低頻佢先會起動到我有時都要較大聲小小等佢起動左先較番細我個SUB都算新,買左唔夠一年 My friend also has this problem and later find that the subwoofer out from the amp has problem ( because of internal connection ) and after repair, it is fine. ( I lend my subwoofer to him and find the same problems, so he thinks it is the amp's problem ) 謝謝AST及tcflex師兄的回覆,但我要指出一點,播同一段影片(如DTSMA的開頭片)如不手動重新拔插,不能從sleep mode中喚醒。但重新拔插後又ok,所以應該不關低頻量的事 係時候換機,如果唔想換住,試下每次熄機後關掉十仔的開關,到下次看戲時再開,看看如何 Dear tcflex401 C-Hing,
You mentioned your friend has the "same problem".Can his problem be temporarily solved by unplugging and plugging back the RCA cable again? Sometimes work and sometime not work. The enginneers say that the interior connection for the subwoofer plug in the amp does not connect so tightly. So sometimes work and sometime not work 有冇試過換第二條SUB仔線試過呢 不過如果CHING唔想換SUB仔住,我諗都係小問題就算攞去整都唔會太貴,因為個SUB仔又唔係成份APM燒左 Dear tcflex401 Hing,
Thanks for your prompt reply but it appears the problem may not come of the AV Amp as in your friends case for two reasons:-
1.By unplugging and plugging back the RCA cable at the subwoofer's end, it ALWAYS work in my case.
2.As mentioned, my problem can be temporarily cured by the plugging and unplugging exercise at the subwoofer's end.Nothing is done at the amplifier's end.Accordingly, I assume that there is nothing wrong at the amplifier's end.