請問有冇人知係Amazon 買碟用Visa個U.S. exchange rate 會係幾多?
我想買魔戒果套boxset, 我見Amazon連埋運費都只係USD93 左右 , 但有冇人知道用Visa個U.S. exchange rate 會係幾多?thank you {:1_254:} 本帖最後由 Akira28hk 於 2011-6-22 06:50 編輯
ask ur bank, usually there is service charge for non HK transaction
btw some shop may have US version. 大約對8左右, 加版而家賣$64.99, 平好多呀 我上次對 $8.07
回覆: 請問有冇人知係Amazon 買碟用Visa個U.S. exchange rate 會係幾多?
Assume you chose usd when you check out, it should be a bit more than 8.But if you chose hkd, then it solely depends on yr credit card issue bank...but normally lower than 8.
So you get my point?
發送自我的 HTC Desire 大板凳 大約對8左右, 加版而家賣$64.99, 平好多呀
kwokchan 發表於 2011-6-22 07:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
係喎~ 加版真係平好多, thx {:1_254:}
但加版同美版有冇唔同...? Assume you chose usd when you check out, it should be a bit more than 8.
But if you chose hkd, then ...
aj2008 發表於 2011-6-22 10:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
okay, thank you ^^ 睇番你張Visa間Bank同當時的匯率
我上week落左個order, 6月14日過我數
USD85.43, 計我HKD677.91
around 7.935 我通常用 外幣 支付
信用卡可以賺 2倍 積分 1 美元=7.7882