wally 發表於 2011-6-19 00:22

回復 2# KING

Thanks!!! {:6_181:}

wally 發表於 2011-6-19 00:23

回復 3# kan

Agree!!! {:6_181:}

wally 發表於 2011-6-19 00:26

回復 4# ram

Thanks!!! {:6_181:}

But 1 is too trouble.
2. if the integrated amp does not have AV-bypass, it would be quite trouble as well because you need to control the volume of the main speakers, difficult to control the balance of all speakers... so, seems like the only possible solution is to look for an integrated amp with av-bypass.

danny73 發表於 2011-6-19 00:52

回復 10# wally

1. Yes, Integrated Amp when turn on AV bypass means it will disable the pre-amp function of itself and only use as power amp only to push the 2 front speakers.Your AV amp will decode the signal as usual like a pre-amp then through pre-out output the signal to the integrated amp to push the 2 front speakers.

2. When you use the AV bypass function, your AV amp's power amp portion only need to push 3 speakers only - center and surrond (if you are playing 5.1) so you can feel it more powerful then before too.

danny73 發表於 2011-6-19 00:56

回復 13# wally

Yes change speaker cable is really trouble and even worse if you are using speaker cables in fork.Except an integrated amp with AV bypass, you can also consider using a 2 ch pre and power amp which the power amp with 2 separate input (normally one pair RCA and one pair xlr) and a switch to select at the back panel.

wally 發表於 2011-6-19 08:55

回復 15# danny73

Ok, 咁嘅話,個5channel 後級就可以俾晒PLIIz嘅其餘5條channels。

tailap 發表於 2011-6-20 00:32

Using av bypass need consider both av amp and integrated amp earth power cable connection.Most of Japan av amp do not have earth connection.But integrated amp normally have earth contact.It will generate some noise due to reference to difference ground.In case using av bypass.Please consider select an av amp have earth connection or integrated amp have signal earth contact provided.Just share my experience on av bypass.Welcome any Ching correct me and share suggestion.

wally 發表於 2011-6-20 01:00

回復 17# tailap

Thanks. If this is the case, should we use the same kind and model of power cable for both integrated and av amp?

tailap 發表於 2011-6-20 07:37

It is not related by cable model.It is related by earth connection.In case two amp have potential different then your speaker with keep listen hum hum sound.
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