救命 ......PS3出事
小弟部PS3昨晚突然間退唔到支碟出來, 按EJECT制又冇反應, 請問出咗咩問題, 同埋點解救, 多謝相助!!! 噤play唔play到入面隻碟先?? 攞返sony攪下 detect唔到張碟,可能要入廠。唔知同天氣有無關係呢?唉...... Try to power off and detach the power cord for half an hour. Then reconnect it and try again. Ok, I'll try this, thanks a lot! 以前sony d cd-rom成日都係咁, 可以按住EJECT制再隊令一隻碟入去立即揪出, 咁就會連同裏面隻碟一齊出... try press and hold eject button for 10 sec while the unit is on Thanks for all the suggestions!!!{:1_249:} 問題已解決, 多謝各位CHING拔刀相助, 感激!