wil-wil 發表於 2008-9-16 19:24

TV Set-Top BOX: OLEVIA ZMT-620FTA Firmware v1.82 (Sept 18, 2008)

官方網址: http://www.schot.com/eng/product_news_detail.asp?id=14

a) V.1.82 part1 - http://www.schot.com/eng/download/OleviaPVR_1.8.2_part%201.zim
b) V.1.82 part2 - http://www.schot.com/eng/download/OleviaPVR_1.8.2_part%202.zim

安裝指引: http://www.schot.com/eng/download/1.8.2v1.pdf

軟體版本 1.8.2更新功能
Additional Function of Firmware ver 1.8.2

1.   分段播放功能
      Playing the recorded program by segment

2.   優化預錄及播放功能
      Enhance recording and play function

*錄影需另外購置外置硬盤機,建設使用OLEVIA ZHD-UBSP35 250GB硬盤機或建議使用3.5”, 160GB外置硬盤.(外置硬盤必須連接電源)
*OLEVIA Settop Box ZMT-620FTA does not include an external hard disk, OLEVIA ZHD-UBSP35 is recommended for recording.
3.5”, or 160GB external hard disc with independent power supply is suggested.

*注意:此軟體版本只可於ZMT-620FTA 軟體版本 1.2.2或以上版本作升級之用.但升級後,無法降回原本之軟體版本.如ZMT-620FTA未更新為軟體版本1.2.2,
*Attention: This firmware is irreversible and only applicable to ZMT-620FTA firmware ver 1.2.2 or more recent;
please upgrade firmware to ver 1.2.2before upgrading to firmware ver 1.8.2

*注意: 如預設錄影節目, 可於完成設定後關機, 於錄影時間前重新開啓電源即可.
*Attention: you can switch off the set top box after adding recording schedule.
Please switch it on before the pre-record start time.

*注意: USB記憶體內的所有內容或會因更新程序可能會被刪除,請先作備份,而硬盤內的所有內容會亦會因格式化而被刪除.
*Attention: the data inside USB flash drive may be affected due to the update process,
to avoid losing important data, please backup before. And all the data in the hard disk will be erased after formatting.

*注意: 以1.8.2以前軟體版本錄影的節目, 有機會因軟體更新而不能播放,
請更新接收器軟體為1.8.2後先格式化硬碟. 而硬盤內的所有內容會亦會因格式化而被刪除.
*Attention: Due to the update, the programs recorded by firmware version lower 1.8.2 may not be played in firmware version 1.8.2,
please format the hard disk before recording. All the data in the hard disk will be erased after formatting.

[ 本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2008-9-16 19:41 編輯 ]

wil-wil 發表於 2008-9-16 19:40

更新軟體方法 (Upgrade firmware)

1. 先從 www.schot.com 下載備有錄影功能的軟體 “OleviaPVR_1.8.2_part1.zim” 及“OleviaPVR_1.8.2_part 2.zim” 至USB 記憶體上.將USB 記憶體連接至OLEVIA ZMT620-FTA 機背.
    (Download the Firmware, “OleviaPVR_1.8.2_part 1.zim” and “OleviaPVR_1.8.2_part 2.zim” from www.schot.com and save in an USB flash drive.
      Plug in the USB flash drive at the back of OLEVIA ZMT-620FTA.)

2. 按遙控器上的 “Menu” ,在 “主目錄” 下選擇 “系統” 及“資訊”.
    (Press “Menu” on the remote and select “Information” under “System”.)

3. “系統資料”將會顯示現有硬體及軟體資料.請按遙控器上的紅色鍵作更新.
    (The Hardware and Software version of the OLEVIA ZMT-620FTA is shown onthe System Information”.
      Press the red button on the remote for updating firmware.)

4. 選擇 “OleviaPVR_1.8.2_part 1.zim” 後按 “ENTER” 鍵.
    (Choose the firmware file, OleviaPVR_1.8.2_part 1.zim, inside the USB drive by navigating on remote.)

5. 選擇 “是” 及按 “ENTER” 鍵.
    (Confirm to update by selecting “Yes”.)

6. 更新進行中.請稍後.
    (Please wait until the process finish.)

7. 更新完成後, ZMT-620FTA 會自動重新啟動.
    (OLEVIA ZMT 620-FTA will reboot automatically after the process.)
(Attention: The upgrade has not been finished; please continue the following steps until the upgrade complete.)

更新完成第一部份後, 請拔除接收器的電源以及USB 記憶體. 一分鐘後連接電源, 繼續更新第二部份.
(After updating the first part, please unplug the settop box and remove the USB drive.
Please connect the power of the settop box again after a minute andcontinue the upgrade process.)

8. 按遙控器上的 “Menu” ,在 “主目錄”下選擇 “系統” “資訊”.
    (Press “Menu” on the remote and select “Information” under “System”.)

9. “系統資訊”將會顯示現有硬體及軟體資料.請按遙控器上的紅色鍵作繼續更新.
    (The Hardware and Software version of the OLEVIA ZMT-620FTA is shown on the System Information”.
      Press the red button on the remote for updating firmware continuously.)

10. 選擇 “OleviaPVR_1.8.2_part 2.zim” 後按 “ENTER” 鍵.
   (Choose the firmware file, OleviaPVR_1.8.2_part 2.zim, inside the USB drive by navigating on remote.)

11. 選擇 “是” 及按 “ENTER” 鍵.
   (Confirm to update by selecting “Yes”.)

12. 更新進行中.請稍後.
      (Please wait until the process finish.)

13. 更新完成後, ZMT-620FTA 會自動重新啟動.
   (OLEVIA ZMT 620-FTA will reboot automatically after the process.)

mankoo米高 發表於 2008-9-16 20:26

請問有無C兄知道更新Firmware v1.82 後是否能改善v1.76聲畫不夾情況(指錄影重播)Smilies014

wil-wil 發表於 2008-9-16 23:36

想問 hardisk 係 OLEVIA 機身 USB 供電定獨立火牛?
照計 hardisk 獨立火牛就唔應該有聲畫不夾既情況!

原帖由 mankoo 於 2008-9-16 20:26 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
請問有無C兄知道更新Firmware v1.82 後是否能改善v1.76聲畫不夾情況(指錄影重播)Smilies014

mankoo米高 發表於 2008-9-17 00:05

原帖由 mankoo 於 2008-9-16 20:26 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
請問有無C兄知道更新Firmware v1.82 後是否能改善v1.76聲畫不夾情況(指錄影重播)Smilies014

wil-wil 發表於 2008-9-17 00:52

聽你咁講係新 firmware 對應巳錄節目既問題,
Anyways, nice to meet you!

原帖由 mankoo 於 2008-9-17 00:05 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

好 ...

mankoo米高 發表於 2008-9-17 03:01

wil-wil兄,我都好開心能在這裹認識到各位綱友:D :handshake

mankoo米高 發表於 2009-1-2 15:02

{{ 2009年1月1日之後新錄的節目, 全部時間都係show 2008/12/31 }}
見其它網站有人發現OLEVIA ZMT 620-FTA 有新問題,

wil-wil 發表於 2009-1-4 22:02

I don't really like the after sell service from Olevia on the STB box.
頁: [1]
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