J. River media centre 16
Trail period 終於 expire 左, 最後都係比左錢 {:6_138:}冇計,始終都係佢最好。(Windows 計) 我都係用緊 J.River MC16,比起 Foobar MC16 D 聲正 D!
加上連 WAV 檔都可以 attach Cover!正! 未用過
用緊audiogate好滿意下 J.river 個方面都比Foobar好的的。。。。都係我ge不二選擇 J.river 個方面都比Foobar好的的。。。。都係我ge不二選擇
lei_ieong 發表於 2012-7-3 11:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
J.river 個方面都比Foobar好 x 2
用買過iPad remote app 重正{:6_193:} 加埋 JPlay 重正! 論介面同埋方便程度 j.river真係幾無敵! 加埋 JPlay 重正!
appletim 發表於 2012-7-3 13:59 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Ching , 加jplay 點正法? 可否分享一下怎樣加jplay? 加了後那能用ipad remote 嗎?謝謝 J River + Ipad remote app用家之一,享受中{:6_184:} Ching , 加jplay 點正法? 可否分享一下怎樣加jplay? 加了後那能用ipad remote 嗎?謝謝 ...
hutmonkey 發表於 2012-7-3 16:00 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Yes, what's JPlay?
I'm using the iPad apps as well, the problem about that apps is you can't simply play the whole disc, you must need the playlist...