Pinoeer 配 KEF
小弟想入P 記 83, 唔知配咩喇叭好.近期聽到啲 ching 話 KEFQ900 幾好, 而且係我 budget 內, 大約 12K.唔知用落 83 好唔好呢?請ching 指教吓 {:6_211:} 應該唔錯嫁!!! {:6_237:}我都認同 KEF 聲比柔,睇你喜歡..............{:6_185:} I got the same equipment and I use xq50 for center I got the same equipment and I use xq50 for center
tip1016 發表於 2011-6-16 11:51
ching 點解唔配 Q600C 呢?{:6_211:} 回復 6# cdma
先鋒配KEF係幾好嘅!本人都係。 {:6_234:} 回復 6# cdma
I tried it in the showroom and i think i got the detail n atmosphere out of it me too.... 今日係 MK 問左2間鋪, 佢話我得一百呎左右無須要用坐地, 用書架易好足夠.
Q900 無望{:6_194:}