個 AMP 駁兩個 subwoofer
我想問 d 7.2聲道的 AMP, 好似 onkyo 608, 609 呢 d model, 佢後面有兩個 pre-out 的插頭,即係可以接兩個 subwoofer 的,其實如果想接兩個 subwoofer 咁玩法,係咪最好個兩個 subwoofer 都要同一個 model 同一款先好? (例如兩個都接 CHT-8Q, 因為我係喥諗,如果一個接 velodyne 的 subwoofer, 一個接 sunfire 的 subwoofer, 但兩個的 style 同打心口感覺都唔同,出黎的效果會唔會好怪??) 唔同model,夾埋線材、擺位,有可能互補不足,效果更正。不過真係要試過先知。 just to share, i'm using onkyo 607 + velodyne impact 10, and started to add a 2nd sub 2 weeks ago, and having a lot of fun!the 2nd sub is an old 本地牌子(國產)套裝5.1机的有源subwoofer that hasn't been used for a long time.before i tried the 'dual sub' i also worried about the same things like u did, but after i tried, it turned out to be so much better then using the impact10 alone!!!
but of course, different sub combination and different 地方setup will have different effect, i encourage you to give it a try if you already have 2 subs (or borrow the 2nd sub from a friend). 一隻 sunfire hrs10 的價錢己可買到兩隻 velodyne CHT-8Q, 大家覺得應該買 sunfire hrs10 還是玩雙十買兩隻 CHT-8Q? 呀 ! 我都想了解2個拾仔分開擺式重叠擺好 ? 睇過舊post, 有ching試過前後放(一隻back fire), 量方面會增加, 佢用2隻唔同o既十仔, 一隻較肥慢但潛得比較深, 一隻反應快, 打心口, 但潛得冇咁深, o岩o岩好互補長短~~ 如果分兩邊擺又係另一個世界咁話....
不過都係要親身試過先得, 始終大家家居環境大細唔同, 裝修同地板物料又唔一樣.... 我覺得如買一隻好D十仔玩{:6_229:} 梗係買一隻 sunfire hrs10先啦, velodyne CHT-8Q都唔同級.... 梗係買一隻 sunfire hrs10先啦, velodyne CHT-8Q都唔同級....
coolpan 發表於 2011-6-16 14:01 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
唔同級當然知,事關價錢貴人成倍 你試過hrs10, 就唔會諗cht-8q喇{:6_211:}