發表於 2011-6-15 14:17
威達試機係要預約架, 係就係煩d, 都有好處架, 就係你約左既時間佢係任你玩, 我果次上去試喇叭, 講明要佢用 ...
PP-HK 發表於 2011-6-15 11:23 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
thanks PP兄,
naim個forum對b&w評價頗極端, 愛恨對比強烈, 反之, 正如ching話齋, ProAc, Neat 又或Linn較正面......{:6_187:}
係naim forum 見到一個sn 同202+200 AB test, top range int amp 與 entry level separate combo的比較, 答案竟然係.........{:6_185:}
I lived with the 202/200/HC/Napsc - for six years - before changing to a Supernait/HC.
The change was initially motivated by an impending flat move and a wish to save space on all the packing boxes cluttering up the cupboards. I was considering a Uniti but the dealer thought I would find the drop in performance too great so suggested I give the Supernait a whirl.
I must admit I anticipated a performance hit but the reality was a substantial improvement.
As I had the 202/200 still to hand I was able to conduct extensive testing of the various combinations. My findings were that:
Bare Supernait vs 202/200/Napsc = 202/200 wins (more refined, open etc all the usual stuff)
Bare Supernait vs 202/200/HC/Napsc = as above but a greater gap
Supernait/HC vs 202/200/Napsc = Supernait wins by a country mile (refinement, soundstage, detail)
Supernait/HC vs 202/200/HC/Napsc = Supernait still ahead by more than a nose.
Supernait/HC vs Supernait/HC/NAP200 = NAP'd Supernait had fuller lower registers but timing not as good. More lost than gained.
My conclusion is that the pre stage of the Supernait is superior to the 202 but requires a Hicap to show this. The power stages are broadly similar with the NAP200 nudging ahead. Interestingly listening to sources via my Stax 404/006t headphones showed a dramatic improvement. I assume there is some sort of buffering in the tape circuit - again preamp improvements.
發表於 2011-6-15 15:33
as i said... supernait with hicap is good enough for this price range la.. if you want bigger improvement, then the way to go is 282/250{:1_339:}
發表於 2011-6-15 15:36
我諗呢個都係口味問題, naim既int amp同前後係唔同聲架, 就如我由entry既int amp 5i轉前後122x, 雖然122係好力過5i, 但出黎既聲係柔d同冇咁刺激架。好多人講supernait係改左naim既聲底, 夠力(話去到282既級數)同高分析力, 但naim味就唔夠前後囉。Naim都幾奇奇怪怪架, 每級機既味道都有少許分別, 所以升級既話都要成套升, 唔係會唔夾聲咁話。
至於b&w夾唔夾真係唔敢講, 要試呢個combo既機會也不多。不過, 亦唔好太信naim forum既人講, 你試下search naim夾唔夾triangle, 個個都話naim最唔夾就係佢, 但我親身試同網友來家訪, 都話聲底好夾, 如果信naim forum講冇買到呢對喇叭, 對我真係損失。
發表於 2011-6-15 15:55
as i said... supernait with hicap is good enough for this price range la.. if you want bigger improv ...
biggyhk 發表於 2011-6-15 15:33 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
very poison, but unlikely in coming few years la, water shortage....{:6_180:}
發表於 2011-6-15 15:58
我諗呢個都係口味問題, naim既int amp同前後係唔同聲架, 就如我由entry既int amp 5i轉前後122x, 雖然122係 ...
PP-HK 發表於 2011-6-15 15:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
絕對同意, forum只可參考, 不可盡信, 最終都係自己試清楚{:6_229:}
發表於 2011-6-15 16:18
i agree with PP-HK, naim match well with french speakers such as JM Lab and triangle.
發表於 2011-6-15 19:20
如果真係budget所限而短期內唔會upgrade或加cdp, supernait可能會比較適合,因為你可以用佢個internal DAC駁bdp聽住先,效果應該會好個用RCA駁1系combo。(小弟當初都係呢個原因而選擇supernait)
發表於 2011-6-16 00:22
座地好架, 講夾聲neat就一定最好, 但有ching提過難放二手。D18都係夾naim好聲的選擇, 不過有兩個考慮,...
PP-HK 發表於 2011-6-15 12:30 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
聽耐左ProAc 用係 NAIM 度, 我覺得中低頻少左0的, 不過分析力同離箱實力...........1SC 真係好正 {:1_339:}
NEAT ELITE XS 係 SHOWROOM 聽過........佢好似比番中低頻我, 不過分析力同 1SC比就爭少少 {:1_262:}
發表於 2011-6-16 00:23
絕對同意, forum只可參考, 不可盡信, 最終都係自己試清楚
yoes 發表於 2011-6-15 15:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
不如搵下2手.........202/200 啦 {:1_352:}
發表於 2011-6-16 09:16
聽耐左ProAc 用係 NAIM 度, 我覺得中低頻少左0的, 不過分析力同離箱實力...........1SC 真係好正 {:1_339 ...
bbocram 發表於 2011-6-16 00:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
咁又係, proac真係好離箱, 聽慣佢既味好難甩到身, 同中naim毒都有幾分類似。