其實正確係+高-低,不過我部cdp xlr係反相,所以要將黑白調轉嚟駁先行反正相
一般一高一低咁駁令高中同中低單元聲音較連貫,但無話絶對,因為呢對喇叭我試過一齊行低,低音一舊舊,bi-wire 高音又太標,但如果用kef q300,一高一低高音太標,一齊行低又平衡返,音響有趣在呢度,無話絶對,咁我地先可以喺度交流下心得 勤力既最好做四次最好, 包括兩高、兩低、正高負低同正低負高, 每對喇叭唔同, 每人對聲音的要求也不同, 好難一概而論。通常只插高或只插低, 就會強調左高或低頻。 不過我部cdp xlr係反相,所以要將黑白調轉嚟駁先行反正相
I do not understand what do you meant by "不過我部cdp xlr係反相,所以要將黑白調轉嚟駁先行反正相".
How do u find out your cdp is 反相??? How can I test mind???{:4_55:} I do not understand what do you meant by "不過我部cdp xlr係反相,所以要將黑白調轉嚟駁先行反正相".
H ...
chanwt 發表於 2011-6-14 19:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
部機背面有寫,亦喺音響舖借過cd及儀錶一同測試過,xlr係反相 Burmester! {:6_121:} {:6_128:} {:6_143:} Burmester!
googleli 發表於 2011-6-14 20:01 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
992 25週年版,用用下都差不多7年啦 部機背面有寫,亦喺音響舖借過cd及儀錶一同測試過,xlr係反相
成成 發表於 2011-6-14 19:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Alright! I got it now! You meant the pin assignment of your cdp is difference from standard, right! Got it now!
But, I am not sure, just curious, does it matter if both channel (i.e.- L and R) are both in-phrase or both out of phrase?
I always thought it will cause problem if either one of them is different from the other!! 其實都唔清楚,好多歐洲機出廠都係反相,但美國加拿大又正相,日本又反相,可能佢地無劃一製式,或有其他原因