加上我家的廳有低音駐波,(在某一中低音頻段,左面的"won won"聲明顯)
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chanwt 發表於 2011-6-12 11:29 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
KING 發表於 2011-6-12 17:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
隱約記得米兄"碌"...吸音柱好似好貴播! 隱約記得米兄"碌"...吸音柱好似好貴播!
chanwt 發表於 2011-6-12 20:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
但可用普通木都得係圓柱就得呀! 見過有師兄放一卷地毯或一圈瓦通紙。 Yeah! i think I will try to use some uPVC pipe with in-fill.
I am afraid a cylindrical wood of that size is a bit hard to find and expensive. A roll of carpet will help. {:6_122:}4方木得5得呀? 回復 17# cat35a
"4方木" I think not! 玻璃窗彈聲.. ..唔遮住攪乜都無用.. .. ..{:6_123:} Tom hing,
I don't think the window is the cause of my problem.
I understand your point and I agree the windows on teh left hand side will provide
a big reflective surface for the left channel on the sound effect! but they are on the mid-high and make it a little loud.
What my problem is the standing wave at a lower frequency. I still get the problem even I cover up the window with curtain and foam (for the glass directly in front of the speaker unit).
By the way, do you have similar problem ? Would you please share your experience?