Creek Evo2 Amp + Quad 12L2
All c hing, Creek Evo2 Amp 配咩喇叭好?I have three choice: 1. Quad 12L2
2. Monitor Audion RX1
3. Epos m5i
Which is better? Listen 人聲..( Faye Wong ) All c hing, Creek Evo2 Amp 配咩喇叭好?
I have three choice: 1. Quad 12L2
alanlee212 發表於 2011-6-12 00:45
quad 呢三款你有冇聽過呢? 回復 3# avlam
already try epos m5i 試左creek evo2 cdp + creek evo2 amp + epos m5i ...感覺幾好!
有冇師兄用緊此組合? 人聲 --> QUAD
Creek Evo2 Amp + Quad 12L2
Quad x 3- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 Quad x 4{:6_210:}