u571 發表於 2011-6-10 17:13


請問各師兄門有無用過這套系統?穩定性,安裝和操控評價如何? 因小弟快將裝修。



wally 發表於 2011-6-10 17:28

didn't aware LHE will do that. but to be honest, personally, if I want fully house automation, I won't use them, as they are more AV company. If you just want AV control, then, a lot of current Apps can do that, but if you want lighting, curtain, air-con. that sort of stuffs, I would go to Wan Chai.

u571 發表於 2011-6-10 18:19

Thx Wally. Indeed I need AV, curtain,lighting and air con control. Could u pls tell me where in wanchai can I find those shops?Thx!

wally 發表於 2011-6-10 18:54

ah, sorry sorry, I meant North Point / Fortress Hill, those furniture shops, Electric Road, some of those do sell different types of Home AI, some are total solutions, some are power plug with wifi functions, lots of different types, you need to think about your budget and your purpose. I was seriously thinking about that too when I moved into my apartment, but, at the end, still don't think its cost effective. At the moment, I think the most affordable one is those power adapter with WiFi, easy to install, expand and control, but still, if I just turn on or off the lighting button can save me thousands of $$$ for up grade my "toys", I'd rather spend on my toys :)
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