邊部 blue ray player 好 ?
小弟有部三星3d 電視 ,想買多部3d blue ray player用,係咪配搭返三星牌的 dvd player 最好,還是其他牌字呢,現有以下的選擇,請各師兄提供意見。1. Samsung BD - D 6500
2. LG HR 550
3. PHILIP BDP9600 小弟有部三星3d 電視 ,想買多部3d blue ray player用,係咪配搭返三星牌的 dvd player 最好,還是其他牌 ...
overcome 發表於 2011-6-9 18:56 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
咁實係飛你母跑出咯。 冇oppo{:6_137:} 回復 1# overcome
haha, 3個牌子 都係各c hing 心目中既 worst buy..
偏偏你 選中晒.......
but 我都係用philips既. 完全冇問題.至另外2隻牌子既bd 機........
老實講句 人出佢又出 係market 分一杯羹.... 但玩得av 又有少少要求既就sure 唔會用佢地law.
my choice 9600 Worth take a look -> http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/technical-articles/1296-blu-ray-player-hdmi-benchmark-introduction.html
Put the long story short: Oppo 83/93/95 are perfectly fine to handle video data handling & transmission via HDMI, but Sony BDP-S570 is not (no matter you set the color space to YCbCr 4:2:2, or YCbCr 4:4:4, or RGB) - it suffers from serious errors when manipulating the video data before output via HDMI.
My point is - even Sony BD player has this problem, what about the others?Without the benchmark report like this, who knows?
Just be careful. 3喇,唔要12 如果3揀1~~~就得3可以揀{:6_182:} 無奈 choice Philips ! 今日去HMV....
分別係...Pioneer 53 & 430, 兩部Philips 舊機(總之唔係9500, 9600)
之後佢仲去搵職員問.....真係唔明{:5_93:} 冇oppo
AST(Gym) 發表於 2011-6-9 19:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif