Maggie Q 性感演出 - 墮落花 Nikita: The Complete Second Season(P.2)
本帖最後由 SonSon 於 2012-6-15 11:21 編輯華納出品,洛比桑90年的同名電影改編,第一季共22集,美版Blu ray 30/08/2011推出。
劇中的女主角(Nikita)Maggie Q 曾經是一個性格叛逆的問題少女,因為犯下重罪被處以死刑。一家秘密間諜機構將尼基塔從死牢裏救了出來,偽造了她的死亡,將她訓練成了一名間諜和刺客。尼基塔後來發現自己唯一信任的人一直都在欺騙她,於是她離開了組織。在躲藏了三年後,開始對以前的僱主和上司展開無情的報復,她決定無論犧牲什麼都要揭發他們的陰謀,徹底摧毀這個秘密組織。
Special Feature:
•Audio Commentary
•Deleted Scenes
•Inside Division, Part 1: The New Nikita
Discover what what twists and changes needed to be made in order to reinvent Nikita for a new generation.
•Inside Division, Part 2: Executing an Episode
Uncover how the sets, costumes, weapons, lighting, editing and music were all fashioned to reflect the creators’ vision for Nikita.
•Profiling Nikita, Alex, Percy & Michael
Explore the characters who make this show so exciting and sexy, as well as the actors who play them.
•Blu-Ray Exclusive Featurette: Division Tracker
Hack into Division and uncover a global tracking device designed to record every major character’s move throughout the years. Can you predict Nikita’s future by discovering her past? This is a cool show, surprisingly.And Maggie Q is smoking hot in it! 等咗好耐囉!唔知香港嘅電視會唔會有得播呢?{:6_141:} 等咗好耐囉!唔知香港嘅電視會唔會有得播呢?
jt24 發表於 2011-6-9 10:01
With Maggie Q as part of the cast, is it blatantly obvious? 正! Waiting for that.....
HK 將會喺新收費頻道"Warner Channel"度播! 回復 1# SonSon
Sonson兄, the 1st season has 22 episodes totally! 回復 6# qqsnk
I will correct it, thanks. waiting to see ha ! ha ! Maggie Q個款好重撈味喎!!!{:6_183:} 本帖最後由 sclendan 於 2011-6-9 14:46 編輯
年紀大左連埋d"蔗蝦"味出晒黎, 都係已前"V老篤"年代索D.... {:6_212:}