Tonight movie testing...INCEPTION & IRONMAN II
Ching, 你個screen set 咗2.35:1 ?你用邊隻screen? 有冇增益? 睇3D會唔會暗? C hing 用乜投影机 ? 你個screen set 咗2.35:1 ?NO wor...only 16:9 but the
你用邊隻screen?OS pure Matt II ( i am using it since 2008 summer)
有冇增益?i am not sure function of "增益"..
睇3D會唔會暗?i just got my JVC X3, it is a bit dim when play 3D. i will need more time to tune it.
{:1_351:} 回復 3# edlsang
JVC X3 (just bought it last week) {:6_195:}{:6_195:}同道中人 ! 回復 6# edlsang
edisang 兄,
any X2 tuning 心得??
2D: When i testing the film INCEPTION, it is dim, but when i tune the brightness, it is too bright in the dark areas.
3D: when i watch the MEGAMIND in 3D, i use 6500K in 3D mode, it still a little dim with the 3D glasses on. i tune the brightness to +6.
how you tune it? thx
{:1_351:} 你睇2D 時會否揀 FLIM / CINEMA MODE ! 回復 8# edlsang
i chose Cinema mode...
the FILM mode is very dim...and not much detail...lack of color...
maybe i dont know how to tune it...
i've tried the NATURAL mode, and it is more color...
i dont know...pls help...
{:1_351:} 要係調較畫面方面做工夫! 用人手或校機碟。這方面小弟不太熟,可請教其他 CHING 。{:6_137:}