Szelong 發表於 2011-6-8 12:56

我隻209+2X2T HDD已經係爆燈邊緣...一直想買隻4bay....
太多野 ...
RiceR9 發表於 2011-6-8 12:31

因為 web hosting 唔慢得, 所以要用DS710+ 2隻2TB 先夠個會用,
DS209+II 就放相因為有floating point 出縮圖會快d ,
DS209 就一般 video audio 用.

cct1978 發表於 2011-6-8 12:59

我之前係電腦展買, 特價好似千二蚊左右, 可以出到中文名, 有internet radio
Szelong 發表於 2011-6-8 12:54
我見佢spec. 播到aiff

Szelong 發表於 2011-6-8 14:10

我見佢spec. 播到aiff
cct1978 發表於 2011-6-8 12:59

D 聲唔錯, 我用左佢都有兩三年.

hatori 發表於 2011-6-20 23:16

各位、請問大家係米長開NAS ?完全吾熄機?

zori 發表於 2011-6-21 11:21

My NAS is always on.

That's why for HOME use, GREEN (low power/heat) hard drives are usually recommended to use on NAS over high performance hard drives.

Btw, the new Synology NAS firmware let's its Audio Station (iPhone/iPad apps) streams to AirPlay compatiable device. I tried and it works on my ONKYO 709 but not on my Samsung TV.

dochi 發表於 2011-6-21 11:48

green hdd is not design for 24*7 purpose, take care if use on nas
number of people get hdd failure after few month usage

zori 發表於 2011-6-22 18:14

It depends on how you use your NAS for.

For me, my current NAS is just a file server and have been running non stop since last December. Besides I am running it in mirror, so either one is dead, I will still have another one.

Most home users will not have NAS in a 24 hrs temperature regulated environment like in the server room in the office, it is better to give up little performance for less heat.

Unless you host a website or BT or accessing it non stop all day, otherwise most HD in NAS will be in sleep mode whenever it is idle.
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查看完整版本: Nas play music方案

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