pbtour4il 發表於 2011-6-7 09:47

The Nightmare Before Christmas【怪誕城之夜】Blu-ray Disc

美版 (2D + 3D) Street Date: 30 Aug, 2011


■Run Time

■Technical Specs
BD50 Dual-Layer


■Aspect Ratio

■Audio Formats


Special Features
・WHAT'S THIS? JACK'S HAUNTED MANSION HOLIDAY TOUR: Viewers choose the way they want to tour Disneyland's Holiday Haunted Mansion. ON TRACK explores a tricked-out version of the Haunted Mansion, while OFF TRACK reveals what went into creating all the creepy fun.
・TIM BURTON'S ORIGINAL POEM NARRATED BY CHRISTOPHER LEE: Tim Burton's poem that inspired the creation of the movie. Now, the original verse comes to creepy life as performed by legendary actor Christopher Lee.
・FILM COMMENTARY: commentary by producer and writer Tim Burton, director Henry Selick and composer Danny Elfman.
・INTRODUCTION TO FRANKENWEENIE! : A new un-cut version of the short film with an introduction by Tim Burton.
Vincent- Tim Burton's short film from 1982.
・THE MAKING OF TIM BURTON'S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS: Go behind the scenes of the very first full-length stop motion animated movie with the filmmakers.
・THE WORLDS OF TIM BURTON'S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS: Witness the creation of the film's richly imagined dreamscapes, including Halloween Town, Christmas Town and the Real World.
・Deleted Scenes
・Storyboard to Film Comparison
・Original Theatrical Trailers and Posters

yaufung 發表於 2011-6-7 10:11


SEIJI.S 發表於 2011-6-7 11:31


dragonyam 發表於 2011-6-7 11:45


kc80000 發表於 2011-6-7 12:34

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查看完整版本: The Nightmare Before Christmas【怪誕城之夜】Blu-ray Disc

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