audionewhand 發表於 2011-6-6 08:42

有冇師兄會去鴨記買二手CD? 有事請教

記得鴨記有個車仔檔賣二手CD (老細四眼, 肥肥地, 食煙的, 通常星期六日先會自已開檔...sorry, 我係識佢外表特徵only), 但最近唔見佢開檔, 原位置現在賣headphones, 係唔係冇做定搬左?謝謝!~~~

ez1 發表於 2011-6-6 10:59

The price is too high, not interested, simply buy new one much better. {:6_238:}

chingki123 發表於 2011-6-6 21:28

spp 2 hand cd all price is too high,and many scrach

audionewhand 發表於 2011-6-6 22:10

Price is not my concern.Out of print, early pressing (no matter they're pop, jazz or classical) is my prime reason for searching such old, used stuffs at 2nd-hand shops.The stand mentioned above sometimes have good stuffs (to me) at good price.Also, I can check the disc's condition to see if I can accept the scratches on it before paying money, without seeing "black face".

Any advice?Thanks again.

cat35a 發表於 2011-6-7 08:42

{:6_190:}why dun you simply ask the neighbour store what happen.

audionewhand 發表於 2011-6-8 16:52

本帖最後由 audionewhand 於 2011-6-8 17:43 編輯

車仔檔 I am talking about IS NOT run by lady (I knew there're at least 2 used cd stalls operated by lady at Apliu Street, but I NEVER browse/buy cd from them, because of their unfriendly attitude/bad price, even if they've good stuffs to me)

Yes, I haven't ask his neighbour store yet.
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