djaddy 發表於 2011-6-4 12:42

架車有冇灌沙la ?
cat35a 發表於 2011-6-4 09:19

I have considered about this very carefully before. But it is very hard to use sa sa power cables inside a car due to the limited space.

djaddy 發表於 2011-6-4 12:44

哈! 咁耐唔見你, 原來你攪緊大鑊野, 果然係一個不折不扣既"Diy 癡男". 幾時有時間來幫我部錢七灌一灌沙?{:6 ...
ram 發表於 2011-6-4 09:28

sasa cables too thick for the car la... I considered, too hard to do. I am just using old P inside the car.

djaddy 發表於 2011-6-4 12:46

多謝ching 評分

記得細個去睇車展, 又係有架車set 到好似ching 咁樣, 我個fan 仲手多摸下果 ...
alfredmyc 發表於 2011-6-4 09:29

My setup is very basic. Not that hot at all.

KUNGKUNG 發表於 2011-6-6 08:51

回復 4# djaddy

djaddy Ching ,
* 超勁超勁
* 架生&線材唔係咩野貴價野 , 但相信 " 性價比 " 超高
{:6_193:} {:6_193:} {:6_193:}

djaddy 發表於 2011-6-6 11:35


wahaha... u know my heart very well! {:1_338:}

KUNGKUNG 發表於 2011-6-6 13:37

回復 46# djaddy

diaddy 前輩 , 小弟都研究左汽車音響好耐 ,
小弟D 垃圾器材如下 , 前輩比D意見啦 : -
-Kenwood 主機 5.0V pre-out
-德國 Rainbow 6-1/2" 套裝喇叭
-MTX 4-Channel 功放
-Earthquake 1.5F 水塘
-全部 Monster 線材

djaddy 發表於 2011-6-6 18:29


diaddy 前輩 , 小弟都研究左汽車音響好耐 ,
小弟D 垃圾器材如下 , 前輩比D意見啦 : -
-K ...
KUNGKUNG 發表於 2011-6-6 13:37

Power choices: MTX & Earthquake... I still remember I installed a MTX power amp in my fd's car more than 10 years ago... lots of power...

I think your system is fine... the only thing worth to upgrade maybe the cables... I am using some of my left over cables from home in my car now, old P & Belden 8471

KUNGKUNG 發表於 2011-6-6 23:29

回復 48# djaddy
diaddy 前輩 ,
* cable 方面有咩野推介
* Power cord 係咪用 老P 會正D
* RCA 線我唸著 DIY 一條 5m , 想用 AQ 線
* 喇叭線我想轉用 Supra

djaddy 發表於 2011-6-7 16:53

diaddy 前輩 ,
* cable 方面有咩野推介
* Power cord 係咪用 老P 會正D
* RCA 線我唸著 DIY...
KUNGKUNG 發表於 2011-6-6 23:29

Applied my home system experience into the car, this will be how I will upgrade my system:

*水塘去 AMP & Sub 老P夠曬啦!
*信號線 用 Gotham or My Favorite OEM 單晶銅線
* 喇叭線用 SupraSFH Studio Pro or Belden 8471 夠啦 (Supra is nice, but more costly. I previously took some 8471 to a friend's car stereo shop before... even with his extensive experience, his mouth dropped to the ground when he listened to 8471).

yoes 發表於 2011-6-7 16:59

Maybe home automation
djaddy 發表於 2011-6-3 23:01

Clipsal or somethings else??
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