想買部平板電腦, 除左買ipad, 仲有咩選擇? 有咩要留意?? 我用緊IPAD2, 係不二之選, 其他仲有Motorola Zoom, 不過唔知好唔好用. 我用緊 acer a500 行 android唔錯 ViewSonic ViewPad 10S 都唔錯
http://shop.esdlife.com/b5/eshop/00SHOPESDSpecial/Shop2/EItemsDetail2.jsp?ACTION=ADD&eitems_code=FaD_ViewSonic_ViewPad10S&emerchant_code=Synnex ViewSonic ViewPad 10S 都唔錯
hillung 發表於 2011-6-3 18:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
呢隻野 聽講好多鑊氣 我等緊sony出{:6_128:} 本帖最後由 wally 於 2011-6-5 09:26 編輯
用android 嘅師兄,點解你哋選擇android 而放棄iPad
? 回復 7# wally
一句講晒, 鍾意Andriod兼容MS度高D, 大量軟硬件公司助推, 唔駛好似Ipad咁限制多又係Apple獨市, Ipad係外型吸引加止大量配件, 但又唔鍾意通街都係.
個人意見, 不喜勿插.
回復 7# wally一句講晒, 鍾意Andriod兼容MS度高D, 大量軟硬件公司助推, 唔駛好似Ipad咁限制多又係Apple獨市, Ipad係外型吸引加止大量配件, 但又唔鍾意通街都係.
個人意見, 不喜勿插.
- 發送自我的 iPhone 4 回復 8# SonSon
No problem at all, this is a forum to express everybody's view. If we only want to hear what we want to hear, don't raise any questions in a forum {:6_182:}
Anyway, thanks for your comment, I have a Android phone, but find the Android market place doesn't have too much applications, so, "大量軟硬件公司助推"? Hmm... is there somewhere else I can download applications? So far, I still find the interface of iPad is normally better than Android... may be I haven't download the nice applications yet?