Diana Krall / Live In Paris Bluray ???
Diana Krall / Live In Paris 出Bluray ??? {:6_130:}我搵唔到第二度有講..... {:6_136:} 係咪惡搞黎嫁?? {:6_175:}
http://www.bd-club.tw/bf.jsp?fp_id=FP2010041022074704126&fpg_id=FPG2009120722474900989# 有口乜野歌 ? 回復 2# JamesK
真定假嫁? 個樣好似出左咁租得lu wo.....? {:6_168:}
但係無理由無聽過假?? {:6_175:}
回復 3# sclendan
無論如何, c-hing 租或買呢聽下先,
我就對隻 'just the way you are' 好有興趣, 以前好鍾意 billy joe 唱呢隻,
diana 姐演繹會係點,想像唔到 ??? {:6_141:} 回復 4# JamesK
{:6_174:} 呵.....師兄, 我係Diana Fans, Live In Paris 我有隻CD, 呢隻DVD出左好耐, 不過未曾聽過會出BD. 所以俾佢赫親, 不過我諗佢唔係惡搞都係係亂搞多嫁喇.... {:6_175:} 如果有BD, MUST BUY!{:6_193:} 如果有買三隻! {:6_174:} 回復 6# paladinleaf
but dont know how the AUDIO transfer...it has been few years when this concert took place.
the DVD is great and I love this concert "rundown"
it was a great concert indeed...