本帖最後由 mankoo米高 於 2011-6-2 00:57 編輯話說我最近好想試下玩膽機, 咁上上個星期上左科寶見識下(第一次上去)
當時正係有部最lowend膽機(4k多)play 緊, 個Speaker 又係D 3K幾既平野, 但係我一聽之下覺得好OK WOR~
d人聲又得, d bass 又得 (係係係,我吾多識形容)
咁我呢D死窮人 緊係吾會即刻過水啦, 問下問下原來play緊佢地自己出隻CD, $60 買隻番去用 cheap cheap BD player + 608 試下差幾多
其實我真係吾太識分佢錄得好吾好,但係我真係好鍾意 take me back and try me one more time
呢個youtube version 同科寶隻CD差好多下:
我估我就係鍾意呢D style, 大家見多識廣,有無其他可以介紹下? {:6_127:} 本帖最後由 mankoo米高 於 2011-6-2 14:52 編輯
Stand by me
http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=65912&highlight=STAND%2BBY%2BME 回復 1# Lester
個Speaker 又係D 3K幾既平野..
I though they use their LS 3/5 for demo wo! it usually cost $12,xxx.- with the demo version.
It is not only the CD, but the room and the speaker as well which make it sound so good!
they will give you the CD as a gift if you buy their Amp (last time I got one!)
Yes, I like this particular song too! very impressive.
But I suspect all their songs are from some CDs"Western Electric 示范CDs"
How do u feel when you play at home?? 米高兄,你呢首真係好啱我何車wor~ 有無CD呢?
chanwt兄,我上去時佢地係用LS 3/5 , 我要求試對平d既speaker, 佢地換左對3k土炮比我試
我番到屋企,用 BD player + 607 + Dali Lektor2 試,我念都有8成效果,我play比呀夫人聽,佢話 "wa~話d真係hifi聲wor~~" {:6_174:}
之後我rip左入iphone用cheap cheap headphone play..得番6成 唉....已經講過好多次, ABC = 老番 CD 唉....已經講過好多次, ABC = 老番 CD
yuppi 發表於 2011-6-2 23:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
火星人系吾會理你既忠告,所以我尋晚都費事岀声{:6_180:} 係火神星人....
什麼是ABC ? 係火神星人....
什麼是ABC ?
Lester 發表於 2011-6-3 00:14 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
你隻CD....ABC 出品 = 10000000% 老番 師兄你張系好堅...既流野
http://www.my-hiend.com/vbb/showthread.php?t=1979&highlight=abc&page=7 噢....我是受害者, 吾好打我 {:6_159:}