Interview with Daniel Weiss MAN 202 will use Ubuntu (Linux) as the OS {:6_193:}
I think more and more DAC would use Embbed Linux..
Have Fun
Enjoy . The MAN 202 will use Ubuntu (Linux) as the OS
I think more and more DAC would use Embb ...
cookiemon 發表於 2011-6-1 08:37
點解DAC要內置Linux?! {:1_342:} 本帖最後由 cookiemon 於 2011-6-1 09:41 編輯
Sorry. {:6_203:}
It should be more CAS (network player) would use Linux
More detail of MAN 202 why don't use JAVA? 回復 4# dai_cast
Java is a programming language
Linux is a platform/ an Operating System.
Engineersmay use Java to develop the interface or somtimes hardware control
Anyway,engineers would usually useC/C++ for firmware development. {:6_183:}
Have fun {:6_184:} 回復 5# cookiemon
You are right. Do you look at competitors products at all or do you keep to your own research?
I don’t look at them much actually. The reason is that if you conceive a new product and you look at a competitor, you get into the competitors way of thinking. You limit your thinking, kind of. It’s better to start with a clean slate.
But then you have to be very confident in your ability to find the best solution without looking at anyone else.
Of course, yes. It’s a two-sided sword. You have to have some idea at least, of what you’re going to do. It helps sometimes to look at what others are doing.
有d保留. 當你唔知人地嘅product比你好幾多嘅時候,你點會識得定價/定位呀? 可能因為咁, 有d competitor 已經可以又平又好聲過Weiss...{:6_150:}