whats app免費下載,只限今日
本帖最後由 ming 於 2011-5-31 14:26 編輯What app 今日免費,快快快{:6_191:} 早買早享受, 遲買平幾舊, 仲免費呀...{:6_123:} What app 今日免費,快快快
4pk 發表於 2011-5-31 13:59 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
thanks ching!{:6_136:} 回復 2# ricoy288
'節哀順變啦!ching{:6_148:} {:6_141:}其實俾吾俾$$有咩吾同@@???? =.= today just bought (android) $1.99 usd for 1yr 回復 5# blindfaith3by8
i got it on andriod for 1 year free, how come you have to pay????? 回復blindfaith3by8
i got it on andriod for 1 year free, how come you have to pay?????
Blackdog530 發表於 2011-5-31 14:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
=.=" no wonder after i paid... saids can use till 2013 因為whatsapp係互通的,有人教快手借部iphone,create itune acc.,之後「買」whatsapp,啟動佢之後,再入番android後,就會發現佢已變左做paid version。 用緊HTC IS no need to pay !