七彩小生 發表於 2011-5-30 15:34

agree, Contrast 確是高好多.

ref: Panasonic say that hight contrast is not made by Auto Iris.

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-5-30 14:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-5-30 15:47

agree, Contrast 確是高好多.
ref: Panasonic say that hight contrast is not made by Auto Iris.
七彩小生 發表於 2011-5-30 15:34 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


Dynamic Iris Adds Beauty to Both Dark and Bright Scenes. The fifth generation intelligent iris system works by analysing the brightness level of each image using a histogram, then adjusting the lamp power, iris and gamma curve accordingly to create the ideal image. The adjustments are made virtually frame by frame. This helps the projector achieve a wide dynamic range with swift smoothness for added beauty in both dark and bright scenes.

dominickwok 發表於 2011-6-3 10:16

I’ve been using Panasonic AE4000 (with OS Pure Matt II Plus 80” electric screen) for almost 18 months, and in a year ago started using colorimeter (Spyder3TV) to fully calibrate it.Now it is about 700 hours of usage.

My experience is that the AE4000 requires a full calibration to get the most out of its picture quality, esp. the perceived contrast (which is affected by many many factors – one is the gamma curve).Before calibration, I needed to use Dynamic Iris to improve its black level and thus the perceived contrast.This is because the gamma preset in the Cinema1 and Colour1 modes are very off (in my specific viewing environment, of course) – too low instead of the ideal 2.2 for dark environment.This caused the image to look like lack of contrast and depth.Moreover, its colour temperature and colour performance are very off as well.

After fully calibrated the Cinema1 mode to match very closely with the HD video standard in terms of D65 grayscale, 2.2 display gamma, and REC709 colour gamut (it is achievable using its rich set of calibration controls such as the color management system CMS), the result is amazingly good (with more contrast and more depth - the image just become more "real"), and I even found the Dynamic Iris is distracting, because it exhibits light pumping in the bright scene and noticeable light level changes in the dark scene).So I decided to drop its use whenever I’m watching HDTV broadcast or Blu-ray movies.

Highly recommended this unit if you want to go with a LCD and would like to go down the calibration route with it.

billy997 發表於 2011-8-5 21:35

第一次玩投影,30,000 budget 機連電screen

Hc4000 rainbow eye 死得. Not suit for everyone. I found that HK ppl really like to 跟。when a trend starts, like a wave to affects all ppl

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用
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