我而家用緊ATOLL IN100夾OPPO93,喇叭就DYNAUDIO書架,我考慮過暫時唔會買CDP住,而打算加個DAC,用返DAC100係咪最好選擇?7-8K DAC選擇好似唔多.有無其他建議比小弟? atoll部dac咪係你射程,你唔上去睇下 ha my case is similar to u, I'm using IN100SE with my OPPO83, wanna get a DAC100 for upgrade but don't know is there any big different after using DAC100! 本帖最後由 avlam 於 2011-5-26 17:12 編輯
二手lavry8k左右!!! bring the BDP to dealer and test la! no need to guess! I don't really know if DAC is a good piece cos' I didn't try other DAC brands with my Atoll pre/power/dac setup, but perhaps they match each other becos of the same brand.
Also, if you don't mind DAC100 doesn't have upscale usb function, no xlr connection, then it's one of your targets.
Atoll stuff really needs burn-in, it changes from time to time.
I am enjoying them every night{:6_143:} 我想知加個dac,聽歌邊方面會提升?是音質嗎? 我係OPPO95 + ATOLL IN100SE
不過我想買MD30 算... 我想知加個dac,聽歌邊方面會提升?是音質嗎?
sngky 發表於 2011-5-27 00:23
師兄入得in100, 點解唔叫埋老細試埋dac100? 你聽到有分別又啱聽既就知加dac係乜一回事
happy listening