小弟因成日都會喺電腦(MINI MAC)聽歌, 現用緊CHEAP CHEAP JBL 2.0 喇叭,真係非常唔掂!而家想學人玩吓CAS, 現鎖定TOPPING TP31 FOR CAS, 但喇叭未有心水,
小弟多數聽POP SONG + R ﹠B,比較著重低頻, 請問師兄們有乜好意見,
MICROPOD 如何呢? 首先著重低頻就唔洗諗MICROPOD{:6_188:}
你預幾多$講出黎等其他師兄好比意見 首先著重低頻就唔洗諗MICROPOD
ming563 發表於 2011-5-23 23:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
calbee1128 發表於 2011-5-23 23:06 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
2K …… 加小小……二手或特價中的Kef…… Believed that 2K budget mostly can buy "small" speakers, and small size speaker cannot generate very deep bass....
Anyway, FYI, I bought a pair of Tannoy "Mercury F1 custom" recently... very close to your budget Use it for pop songs as well, high ~ mid range is good. Bass is ok consider at its small size.
Or Quad lite might fit you better, but will over 2.5K ~ Believed that 2K budget mostly can buy "small" speakers, and small size speaker cannot generate very ...
rst 發表於 2011-5-24 20:05 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
師兄其實我都有留意Quad lite 呢隻。其實而家做緊幾$$$$ 呀? 本帖最後由 KING 於 2011-5-24 21:29 編輯
師兄其實我都有留意Quad lite 呢隻。其實而家做緊幾$$$$ 呀?
calbee1128 發表於 2011-5-24 21:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
年頭我係英X買$27XX!呢隻底音絕對好過MICROPOD呀! Screen out 2 to 3 pairs and test them one by one, better bring and test with your CD if possible. Remember, No rush in making decision.
Good sound ! 本帖最後由 tyadx 於 2011-5-25 01:12 編輯
Try Cambridge Audio S30, bass quite punchy.Go try at Radar in iSquare.I tried Quad lite and like S30 better.However it's very subjective so better try it yourself.Also Wharferdale Diamond 10.1 falls within your budget.KEF's bass is not strong, good mid and high though.