請問是否原裝線? 幾錢呀? 線就係原裝 , 蕉插自配............ CHing, a lot of toy and a lot of fun. 回復 13# corolladv
THX ! {:6_182:} 插入了 Monitor Audio Speaker, 用 cambridge Audio player 740A+ 740C 夠力水 。{:6_193:} 本人多年玩開一般 speaker cable for AV & 聽歌。今天趁 UPGRADE 喇叭 (MK )再UPGRADE 埋條線。請 CHING 們 ...
edlsang 發表於 2011-5-21 01:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
CHING依條邊度有{:6_141:} 秋記有冇呢 THX may beI buy at Yuen Long !