hkcurry 發表於 2011-5-18 11:57

完全新手想請教 CAS

我本身用 Naim Int. Amp + B&W CM7 來聽歌, 因最近要換電腦,如果我想用佢來做埋 CAS, 請問有什麼特別的硬件要求呢?

暫時打算砌的PC :

Intel Core i5-2400 (3.1G, 6M Cache, LGA 1155, with HD Graphics) CPU BOX
Kingston DDR3 1066MHz 2G SODIMM X 2
ZOTAC H67ITX-C-E H67,DDR3,LGA 1155,WiFi b/g/n,USB3.0,SATA3 6Gb/s,Mini-ITX M/B
Seagate ST2000DL003 2TB SATA3 6Gb/s /64MB HDD
onboard display and sound

這個組合用來做 CAS得唔得呢?


cookiemon 發表於 2011-5-18 13:05

It looks fine for computer part .
If you want the CAS sounds better, use SSD (Solid Stated) harddisk...

Is it possible to choose a mother without Wifi ?
It may cause interference on cables.

What sounds card or DAC will you use ?

qwe456 發表於 2011-5-18 13:06

我本身用 Naim Int. Amp + B&W CM7 來聽歌, 因最近要換電腦,如果我想用佢來做埋 CAS, 請問有什麼特別的硬件要求呢?

暫時打算砌的PC :

Intel Core i5-2400 (3.1G, 6M Cache, LGA 1155, with HD Graphics) CPU BOX
Kingston DDR3 1066MHz 2G SODIMM X 2
ZOTAC H67ITX-C-E H67,DDR3,LGA 1155,WiFi b/g/n,USB3.0,SATA3 6Gb/s,Mini-ITX M/B
Seagate ST2000DL003 2TB SATA3 6Gb/s /64MB HDD
onboard display and sound

這個組合用來做 CAS得唔得呢?


hkcurry 發表於 2011-5-18 11:57

Use your old PC (clean it up first!) for CAS...

For CAS, you don't want a new box with too much processing power...Rationale being you don't want a processor that generates so much heat to the extent that you need to install a gigantic heat sink that comes with too much noise...And you don't need massive processing power anyways, since you aren't supposed to run anything except for whatever software you use to play your music files.If you can find a decent board with Atom onboard, go for it, it's more than enough for playing music and doesn't generate much heat (you might not even need a fan on your heat sink).For hard drive, either go for SSD or stream it from another box...

hkcurry 發表於 2011-5-18 14:28

thank you for your advice. Now I think the new PC may not be a good choice, due to its noise and vibration. Perhaps I will use notebook.

qwe456 發表於 2011-5-18 15:27

thank you for your advice. Now I think the new PC may not be a good choice, due to its noise and vib ...
hkcurry 發表於 2011-5-18 14:28

    I put together a new box for playing music a few months ago and it uses a laptop power supply...

andrew225 發表於 2011-5-18 20:24

As long as you have space for 2 PCs, it is good to use Atom or E350 for the CAS.But if you only have space for a single PC, you would not use Atom or E350, right?In addition, I doubt if SSD is a better choice than 2.5" HDD, as some people have mentioned that the sound from SSD is not rich enough.FYI, I use Seagate Hybrid 2.5" HDD and it is good.

googleli 發表於 2011-5-18 21:07

For a one-box CAS simple solution, you can try Linn Klimax DS or Linn Renew DS, should be quite good. If you want to use computer, start with a clean power source.

bbocram 發表於 2011-5-19 00:15

我本身用 Naim Int. Amp + B&W CM7 來聽歌, 因最近要換電腦,如果我想用佢來做埋 CAS, 請問有什麼特別的硬 ...
hkcurry 發表於 2011-5-18 11:57

Naim "NDX" waiting for you !! {:1_343:}

qwe456 發表於 2011-5-19 00:56

In addition, I doubt if SSD is a better choice than 2.5" HDD, as some people have mentioned that the sound from SSD is not rich enough.
andrew225 發表於 2011-5-18 20:24

This is silly...Most people would have configured the software to load the entire music file into memory before decoding...So the drive isn't as involved as in the process most think.Besides, not much of a reason to keep a big drive in the box, unless, like you said, you need don't have another machine to host the storage drives.Stick to a small SSD if you can.
Wait...On second thought, maybe you are right, since SSD makes no noise at all but you can hear the HDD spin!No noise vs. noise...I guess you are technically correct that "the sound from SSD is not rich enough"...

What you said is just absurd no matter how you cut it...
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