(轉載)JL AUDIO 雙16巨獸
(轉載)JL AUDIO 雙16巨獸.............{:6_128:}The subwoofer chair consists oftwo 16-inch subwoofers contained within the chair’s structure and is designed to create a thundering bass tone. The chair is predominately designed for teenagers to listen to music either from their iPods, MP3 players or gaming systems 有啲似按摩椅喎!!!{:6_188:} 有啲似按摩椅喎!!!
avlam 發表於 2011-5-14 13:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
得間坐上去震兩震應該好爽! {:1_248:}好大件 好似會坐得唔係好舒適喎{:6_238:} 得間坐上去震兩震應該好爽!
lippito 發表於 2011-5-14 14:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
個效果可能重好過按摩椅!!!{:6_188:} designed for teenagers {:6_121:} to listen to music either from their iPods, MP3 players or gaming systems =.= JL出俾teenagers {:6_180:} no wonder they can spend over 10K just for a jeans....
X_X" wish im still a teenagers....{:6_244:} 點解我老豆唔係李+X
{:1_332:} 剩係就咁睇己覺震撼...{:6_237:} 早2日睇XX雙週見到這廣告