我都好贊同 尼個真係對我尼D新手大有幫助~ 多謝曬C兄^^ 支持支持 Good {:6_193:}{:6_193:} 多謝師兄分享。可唔可以講多少少Phase的設定? 若Sub仔同前置唔係放同一邊,或者Sub仔單元向牆面或牆角,咁個Phase應該點Set呢? {:6_141:} good{:6_193:} 多謝分享!!!!!!Thanks~ 近日有意購入5.1系統
呢篇文好實用~THANKS~!! Thanks! I was trying to ask a similar question as well. I always found that the Auto setup for my 808 is pretty much accurate, including the distance it measured for all the speakers, except the subwoofer. The distance it measured/setup is double the length of the actual distance. And I was really wondering whether I should set it back to the actual listening distance. But based on this article, seems like its better for me to leave it as it is...
回覆: 有源超低音箱基本功
讚x1000000發送自我的 HD2 大板凳