C Hing 我部2067..點接後級+CD 机..help..help{:1_263:}javascript:; {:6_141:}有無 pre out 呀 ? 好像無得攪{:6_147:} 部後級+CD 机有冇input,如果有便將2067前置 pre out甪rca線駁到後級+CD 机有冇input便可以,不過要留要兩部機嘅音壓{:6_182:} C Hing 我部2067..點接後級+CD 机..help..help
mr.condom 發表於 2011-5-12 22:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
師兄你相中部後級好似得一組訊號輸入喎!!! 回復 5# avlam
Yes...ar{:1_352:} Is it CD(rca output)>>>>2067(???input)>>>>2067(preout)>>>>Amp(input)>>>>Speaker
{:1_347:} Is it CD(rca output)>>>>2067(???input)>>>>2067(preout)>>>>Amp(input)>>>>Speaker
mr.condom 發表於 2011-5-13 13:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Put all input to your 2067 then Pre-out from 2067 to your power amp. whenever you wanna listen to CD, just turn your 2067 to PURE DIRECT then no other channel will have sound except your Power amp channel. Is it CD(rca output)>>>>2067(???input)>>>>2067(preout)>>>>Amp(input)>>>>Speaker
mr.condom 發表於 2011-5-13 13:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
CD(rca output)>>>>2067(CD input) & 2067(FRONT preout)>>>>POWER Amp(input)>>>>Speaker 回復 9# ricoy288
C Hing ...so 'how can I set the Amp connection with speaker'..Is it same as the speaker ...use jumper short circuit(cut Bi-Wire){:1_347:}