Just "in"ed egreat S100 dual FW
Have to share my new toy egreat S100 from Mr. Fishy today; this dual FW machine performs nicely on both PQ & SQ from tcl firmware. Another FW is on C200, what can I say!eGreat S100
eGreat A1080
Yamaha RX-V2067
HiFiFever DAC1955Pro
LG SL80 55"
HUYGENS MHzPower4 x 2
Yamaha NS-1000X
Yamaha NS-1000M
B&W DM601 S3 but the casing looks pretty ugly........fortunately, all things look equal during darkness. ching 有冇開箱報告睇下?
What I was told on this machine is the option to have three firmwares for selection, of course two FWs at the same time. I have chosen the S800(tcl) and PCH C200 FW to play with. I didn't choose the 4th district FW cause I used it before and don't like it. Picturewise, both FWs produce nicely colorful images; the S800 FW is more user friendly on external srts(no matter it is on UTF-8, chs, eng and cht)but only ".srt" on C200 FW. Lastly, there are rumours on C200 could support 24/192 sound output, that's why I took this.
It's my first time to upload a photo here........may mess up the page! 香港有無得賣 ? it's available in HK I want to buy a 3TB HDD for this S100; does anyone know whether it works on it or not?? Pretty good; How much is it? 3TB HDD........I think{:1_331:} its around $1k??